Evan Seplow

Director, Producer, Writer, Shooter, Editor, Graphics & SocialMedia/Marketing

I took an initial concept the client had with one man sitting in his car and felt it would be funnier, and tell the story better, if there was an “Annoying Host Guy” – From there the concept snowballed and I wrote it up.

It’s a bit long, 90 seconds rather then the normal 60 (or 30!).

From the music to the coloring, we went for a slightly retro feel, which fits with the kitchy host-guy and creates a cool look for an otherwise utilitarian (and outlandish!) product.

As a DP, I also had to figure out how we were going to fake out the look of two guys sitting in a car in the middle of busy, bumper-to-bumper traffic – without the budget to hire a highway. We also didn’t have the budget to build a car ‘set’ on a soundstage, nor do it all with special effects. So everything here is ‘in camera’.